Cosmic Golden Light Empowerment Transmission Meditation ($55)




Inviting you to join our COSMIC GOLDEN LIGHT EMPOWERMENT ENERGY TRANSMISSION Meditation with Medium Pati 

LIVE from Cosmic Consciousness Conference,  the Summer Solstice 20th and 21st December in ULURU – the Solar Plexus Chakra of the Earth with Medium Pati.

This Powerful Energy transmission will set you up for an empowering 2025 Year and beyond, infusing you personally and the Earth’s Energy Grid with the Cosmic Divine Healing Golden Light and Integrating this Divine Healing Energy into all your cells, starting a profound personal and interpersonal life transformation into 5D Living.

Energy Exchange $55 payable to Medium Pati at  

Just pay the $55 energy exchange and email me Medium Pati Hueneke at and I will send you the video link.

Please include your –

Full Name, DOB and where you are currently located. Add your intention to participate and energy exchange $55 & I will send you the link to  this powerful personal and Earth Healing Meditation Transmission.


The Healing Energy from ULURU is very powerful at this time and I have been guided strongly by SPIRIT to offer this Service to us all and to the Earth Grid. Powerful Family and Personal Healing will occur, as well as an energising of the Earth Ley Lines  and Grid with the Cosmic Divine Healing Golden Sun Light of Consciousness.

Be sure to form your personal healing INTENTION for this Momentous EVENT.

I will update you after the Event on any messages that come through for either you personally or the Group.


Text Medium Pati  0431606940