Golden Light Intuitive Empowerment Program – 5 weeks


Note: Price is $555 and payment plans are available.

Next Course begins in late February 2025. Stay tuned for more details.  

Golden Light Intuitive Empowerment 5 WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM supports you to
Cleanse, Rejuvenate, Shine, Heal with your awakened, expanded Divine Golden Light, the purified 5 Elements and the Plants of Mother Earth.
Expand your Psychic Intuitive Abilities
in this 5 week Online Golden Light Empowering & Ascension Course


Golden Light Intuitive Empowerment 5 WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM supports you to
Cleanse, Rejuvenate, Shine, Heal with your awakened, expanded Divine Golden Light, the purified 5 Elements and the Plants of Mother Earth.
Expand your Psychic Intuitive Abilities.