💛I invite you to join our paid
Golden Light Empowerment & oracle Healing Circle – Healing with the GOLDEN LIGHT ORACLE Membership.
Details are posted and updated regularly in the FB Event page link and Golden Light Empowerment & Healing Circle FB Page
You can join us in 2025, either for 1 month (2 sessions) $50 OR for 6 months $250 or for 12months for $500
We start on Wednesday 15th January 15th at 7.30pm – 9 pm in our Private FB Social Learning Page – Healing with the Golden Light Oracle.
All sessions are recorded on the page for REPLAY
Pay at or Text me at 0431606940 or email me at for my online bank details.
The Monthly Themes for the 2 sessions relate to the Oracle Cards for that month and include detailed info on the card messages and plants. There are also guided meditations on each of the cards with Medium Pati.
In the course of the Year, you will cover a whole zodiac healing with the Golden Light SUN energy and the plants, experience deep meditative states of healing and empower your own intuitive and psychic gifts exponentially.
You will also receive a Golden Light Empowerment and Healing Transmission and a personal guidance message/reading from Medium Pati during the session.