Golden Light Empowerment & Healing Circle 6 month Membership


Golden Light Intuitive Empowerment & Healing Circle Membership is open now ongoing….

We meet on Zoom twice monthly around New Moon and Full Moon from 7.30pm -9pm for Healing, Connection to the Monthly Cosmic and Plant Spirit Medicines to support us, Guided Meditations of Empowerment, a personal reading, and optional Sharing about where we are at personally on our life/healing journey at this time.



💛I invite you to join our paid
Golden Light Empowerment & Healing Circle ONGOING  Membership.
Details are posted and updated regularly in the FB Event page link and Golden Light Empowerment & Healing Circle FB Page
You can join us now, either for 1 month (2 sessions) $50 OR for the next 6 months $250.

Pay at  or Text me at 0431606940 or email me at  for my online bank details.

Or here in the Shop for 6 months (2 sessions each month on Zoom) $250.

We meet again in December on Zoom in our Membership on
🌟Thursday 14th December at 7.30pm
Thursday 28th December at 7.30pm

The Theme for December is
REVIEW your Year 2023 and ENVISION Your 2024
The Cosmic Events to navigate this month are the New Moon in Sagittarius on 13th December and the annual Cancer Full Moon on 27th December.
We will have a guided healing meditation as usual and you will also have an opportunity to share where you are at and may need support on your life/healing journey now.

You will also receive a Golden Light Empowerment and Healing Transmission and a personal guidance message/reading from Medium Pati during the session.